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The Daddy Dance


When God the Father came to me,
In drunken stupor I came in,
A veteran of this world's great war,
A winner on the side of sin.

He spoke to me of things not seen,
Through eyes glazed over, shadow dim,
The Truth revealed, the veil removed,
I saw my soul's true worth to Him.

And then He took me in His arms,
And danced, so gentle, full of grace,
A Father's love for a child's return,
I rested in His sweet embrace. 

As God my Father showed me then,
Just what a father's love should be,
I looked for Him in every man,
And chose my husband carefully.

And as my Father held me then,
My children's father here on earth,
Has held them safely through the night,
Was there to see each through their birth.

He danced with them when they were young,
A dance, so gentle, full of grace,
And though exhausted from the day,
Found time for each bedtime embrace.

He is a man of strength and faith,
A somber man at one's first glance,
But underneath that serious guise,
Are memories of "the Daddy dance".

This poem was written to honor my wonderful husband, Patrick. We 
have been married for 15 years this May, and we have 6 beautiful blessings.
[email protected]
Joy Kelly


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